So why do airport security employees insist that passengers send their shoes through the X-ray scanner? Because the Transportation Security Adminsitration ("TSA") tells them to. And why is that? You know, it doesn't say.
But I have an idea. A word starting with "F" and ending with "R." And no, I don't mean "fucker," though that works too.
I mean FEAR. Keep everyone scared, keep everyone on alert, keep everyone aware that the DHS & TSA & FEMA & FBI & CIA & the rest of the alphabet soup is on the job. It's pretty much laid out right here:
On Sunday, the TSA made it mandatory for shoes to be run through X-ray machines as passengers go through metal detectors. They were begun in late 2001, after the arrest of Richard Reid aboard a trans-Atlantic flight when he tried to ignite an explosive device hidden in his shoe. The shoe scans have been optional for several years.(Emphasis added). Much like boxcutters and liquids, shoes have suddenly become dangerous . . . after an aborted attack. Fear. Fear, fear, fear. Don't forget to be afraid. Very afraid.
And never forget that The Administration, alone, can protect you.
Rituals make a whole class of people feel comfortable.
Even if they know that the security measures are meaningless, the ritual of the screening process helps their confidence.
It demonstrates that there are authority figures in charge of the process. Many people are comforted by this. they feel that the shepherds are tending their flocks.
What they have forgotten is that shepherds eat their flocks.
Where can I get some dogtags that are engraved in such a way that "FUCK GEORGE W. BUSH" is clearly displayed on airport X-Rays? I'll stick em in my shoes, my carry ons, my daughter's car seat, you name it.
Be careful, Furious. If the "authorities" think you mean to fuck him to death, that could be a violation of that law that says you can't state a desire to kill tyhe C-in-C or whatever it is.
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