Fascism seems to be the new buzz word for Republicans in an election season dominated by an unpopular war in Iraq.So I guess that means the next time someone tells Ann Coulter, Michelle Malkin, or Sean Hannety that Bush is a "fascist," they won't be able to respond with their usual, "Oh, there you go with the 'Fascist' label again."
Yeah, right. That would require logic or consistency.
Did you photoshop that moostache? It looks so real.
Did I photoshop the moustache?
No. But I'm assuming someone else did.
C'mon, Mort. Are you implying that just because Ann has an adam's apple, that means she sports a patch of facial hair?
I've heard that adam's apple crack before, quite frankly I think that s/he is quite handsome (ugh!). That may be nose hair, I guess that would be considered facial hair, wouldn't it?
Every time I see a photo of that tranny, it makes my private parts all sad.
I'll put up a shot of Hannity in drag next time. No reason to let the female readers off the hook.
Ah, the “F” word. Because of my work, I am probably acquainted with more Arabs (and Muslims) than most Americans. There are six in our small office and I talk more or less often with another dozen in a nameless Middle Eastern nation. So I find the use of the term Islamic fascism by high officials and opinion makers in the U.S. both offensive and frightening. I readily accept that the terrorist attacks of 9/11, the USS Cole, and the Khobar towers were perpetrated by people who are or were Muslims. But we don’t (or at least didn’t) have a billion Muslims that want to kill us because we are Americans. A thoughtful person could get the idea that the administration is trying to get a billion Muslims to hate us so that we will have to keep up the GWOT for ever and ever and ever.
What I have come to notice is that the longer and harder we fuck up Iraq, we have to have a bigger and bigger enemy to be at war with.
A thoughtful person could get the idea that the administration is trying to get a billion Muslims to hate us so that we will have to keep up the GWOT for ever and ever and ever.
Certainly does seem that way, doesn't it?
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