Anyhow, I'd like to hand off for a moment to Greg of the Belgravia Dispatch for a lucid & cogent analysis of Rumsfeld's "speech" (Tip o' the hat to the Cunning Realist). At the risk of offended Mssr. Godwin, Greg has a few very choice comparisons to a certain blustering demogogue who rose to power across the pond in the early 30's:
Rumsfeld: "It seems that in some quarters there's more of a focus on dividing our country than acting with unity against the gathering threats."(Emphases in Greg's post). It's fascinating, really, to consider this comparison, especially in concert with Olbermann's beautifully-constructed analogy to the hackneyed pre-WWII appeasement play . . . in which he accuses the Administration of aping Chamberlain, as opposed to Churchill. Greg goes on to say:Unity is an interesting word. It immediately brought to mind Adolf Hitler's February 1933 Berlin Proclamation to the Nation, where he stressed the importance of "unity" no fewer than six times:
1) "With profound distress millions of the best German men and women from all walks of life have seen the unity of the nation vanishing away, dissolving in a confusion of political and personal opinions... (ed. note: "Confusion" is another word both Hitler and Rumsfeld employed liberally, Rumsfeld twice, including this snippet: "And that is important in any long struggle or long war, where any kind of moral or intellectual confusion about who and what is right or wrong, can weaken the ability of free societies to persevere.")
2)" ...Germany has presented a picture of heartbreaking disunity..."
3) "We never received the equality and fraternity we had been promised, and we lost our liberty to boot. For when our nation lost its political place in the world, it soon lost its unity of spirit and will.... "
4) "He called to those of us in nationalist parties and leagues to struggle under him once more, in unity and loyalty, for the salvation of the German nation."
5) "The National Government will regard it as its first and foremost duty to revive in the nation the spirit of unity and co-operation"
6) "Reichspräsident von Hindenburg has called upon us to bring about the revival of the German nation. Unity is our tool. Therefore we now appeal to the German people to support this reconciliation." [my emphasis throughout]
The point here isn't that Rumsfeld is some Hitler redux, of course. But Rumsfeld's rhetorical tactics of late, it should be noted, are not infrequently rather similar to the Fuhrer's, and this bears noting, I'd think. Especially for someone who tries to wear the mantle of Churchill and who throws the word fascism around so liberally, Rumsfeld might instead take a good, hard look in the mirror, as the relevant historical analogue(s) might not be quite as flattering as he'd wish.
[A]s the failure of the Bush Administration's war strategy becomes more and more evident to all but the most hardened denialists, as their desperation and incompetence becomes more evident to the American public, as their Middle East policy increasingly lies in tatters, and as they continue to erroneously attempt to conjoin things like the London terror plot with Iraq, without admitting the need for urgent re-appraisal of our overall strategy in the war on terror (they are incapable and/or too exhausted to make significant course corrections)--the rhetoric is beginning to border on dangerously reckless, and I trust the American people to reject this growing demagogy, and vote the Democrats in in November (at least in the House). I take no particular joy in this, as I think the Democrats have distinguished themselves by what I've called their ferocious lameness too often, but I cannot support a party that continues to allow a man this discredited a platform to propagate such gross dissembling, not to mention continues to allow him to prosecute a war where he has failed so dismally to achieve our nation's most basic strategic objectives . . . Bush has proven an incompetent, and he has two reckless, even dangerous men advising him in Rumsfeld and Cheney who, rather than disappearing into the early retirement both so richly deserve, are instead being given free rein to engage in the quite disgusting revisionism, cheap historical hyperbole, and demagoguery we've witnessed with the American Legion speech. Bush supports them in this, and so is totally complicit. Enough is enough. The only message these arrogant, discredited men will understand is a blistering one of rejection sent through the ballot-box. Let's try to give it to them, big time, as they say.Amen to that, Brother. Amen.
I hope the red states are listening...
Rumsfield notes that terrorists don't wear uniforms, and in this way have distinguished themselves as fascists.
He goes on to talk about the Nazi similarities in this vein.
The Nazis couldn't tell who were terrorists, because they dressed like everyone else. They came up with an ingenious solution. They made it unlawful for terrorists to go out in public without wearing a big star on their chest.
Look for Rumsfield to suggest legislation requiring terrorists register their afilliations and were appropriate uniforms, designating them as terrorists.
I hope the red states are listening...
No hope required. I get better ratings than Limbaugh & Coulter in Wyoming & Montana.
register their afilliations and wear appropriate uniforms, designating them as terrorists.
No need. We can spot them by their arabic lettered t-shirts.
Wait. Let me get this straight. Rumsfeld used the word 'unity' in a speech therefore he is channeling Hitler because he also used the word 'unity.' You then link to a rant by the Belgravia Dispatch which relies so heavily on adjectives to paper over the lack of coherent thought it's bordering on parody. Let's just say that my first trip through your blog is very unimpressive.
Rumsfeld used the word 'unity' in a speech therefore he is channeling Hitler because he also used the word 'unity.'
Not sure I'd agree with that summation. Where'd I say he was "channeling anyone"? In fact, one of the first lines I quoted from the Belgravia Dispatch piece said, "The point here isn't that Rumsfeld is some Hitler redux, of course."
You then link to a rant by the Belgravia Dispatch which relies so heavily on adjectives to paper over the lack of coherent thought it's bordering on parody.
I'm sure Greg can defend himself, but I'll say that picking out his use of adjectives reminds me of the hacks I came across in college who "taught writing."
Let's just say that my first trip through your blog is very unimpressive.
You're more than entitled to your opinion. I certainly don't expect to impress everyone. In fact, if I did, something would be drastically wrong.
That said, I'm especially unimpressed by comments from the ubiquituous, "Anonymous."
"In fact, one of the first lines I quoted from the Belgravia Dispatch piece said, "The point here isn't that Rumsfeld is some Hitler redux, of course."
A common tactic that is very slimy to say the least. Make the comparison while denying that you are. How very Nazi like of him, not that I'm accusing him of being Nazi like. See how easy that was. Pathetic.
"I'm sure Greg can defend himself, but I'll say that picking out his use of adjectives reminds me of the hacks I came across in college who "taught writing."
The use of numerous adjectives when done well can be very effective. Although, it should primarily be used for for fiction. And just because those people were "hacks" doesn't mean that they were wrong in that instance. Greg's rant is a perfect example. Short on substance it was indeed.
I'm certainly not out to defend other bloggers. If you don't like Greg's prose, that's your choice.
I don't like Bloggers who hide behind "Anonymous." That's my choice.
Rummy was the one who "channelled Hitler" in the first place with his speech. Channelling Hitler is a tactic quite commonly used by this administration.
I believe that Rummy's critics were throwing it back in his face by showing how the style of his speech resembled the same nationalist drivel that Hitler used.
Showing how ridiculous your opponent sounds by using an outrageous example is a common practice. I've heard the same bullshit from Rove's camp for years. In fact, it's going on right now with CT's senate race.
"Rummy was the one who "channelled Hitler" in the first place with his speech. Channelling Hitler is a tactic quite commonly used by this administration."
If you believe that then you are either insane, ignorant to the extreme, or a combination of both.
"Showing how ridiculous your opponent sounds by using an outrageous example is a common practice."
Or in this case it's used to mask the intellectual and moral bankruptcy of the loony Left.
Hey, DED, check it out: We're officially members of the "loony Left."
Even though I never aspired to gain membership, and even though I think neither of us approaches the qualifications, I'm more than happy to be included in the eyes of "Anonymous."
You with me?
Yes. When the comparisons to Hitler start coming up a point of fanaticism has been reached beyond the realm of normal discourse.
May I introduce you to your own Petard:
I believe he's interested in a little hoisting.
Mike. Are you being serious or playing dumb?
If you believe that then you are either insane, ignorant to the extreme, or a combination of both.
No, I watch the news and listen to "speeches" that this admin doles out whenever it deems necessary. It's out there anonymous. You'd have to be blind and deaf to miss it. Where have you been for the last 5 years?
C'mon, the whole "Axis of Evil" bit plays homage to the Axis powers of WW2.
Sure, Mike. Why not? I've got nothing going on this week.
Yes. When the comparisons to Hitler start coming up a point of fanaticism has been reached beyond the realm of normal discourse.
It's this administration that started calling every bad guy out there Hitler in the first place! Hell, Bush Sr. started that name calling with Saddam back in the Gulf War. But if he was such a bad ass, why didn't he take him out then?! It's political expediency!
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