A couple Quick Hits (aka, a stroll through my newsreader) to keep the morning moving:
* Apparently impressing the hell out of everyone with her internationally-seen "get yer' hands off my shoulders, buster" Shrug Of Death administered to our own Decider-in-Chief, German Chancellor Angela Merkel is "the World's Most Powerful Woman," according to Forbes Magazine.
And what is it, by the way, with Forbes and its constant rankings of everything from safest cities, to fastest cars, to richest Americans, and so on. Think about it -- how often do you scan through Yahoo! News, or something similar, and see a link to some idiotic Forbes ranking. Anyway, according to the Reuters piece reporting on this Forbes ranking, Merkel displaced Condoleeza Rice for the title, finishing ahead of the Secretary of State, as well as Hillary Clinton, Oprah Winfrey, and a bunch of other women notable mainly for swelled heads and general loathsomeness.
Big balls, a bigger wallet, and an ego the size of Russia: not just for men anymore.
* According to AFP, the Freakazoids who brought you the unintentionally hilarious "literary" series, Left Behind, will now release a series of Left Behind Video Games.
Oh joy.
"Left Behind: Eternal Forces," set during the Rapture, will pit "'good' Tribulation Forces against 'evil' Global Community Peacekeepers led by the anti-Christ."
And just in case you're wondering if this is a real news story, let me say that I wish I was good enough to come up with that one. As reported by Troy Lynden & Dereck Wong of Left Behind Games:
And lest you think there's any of that proselytizing going on here, Wong insists, "We wanted it to be a great game first . . . We are not here to preach to you. It is not a game to be Bible-thumping."
No need to await the rapture. Seems to me, we're doomed already.
* And wrapping up, from the "I Guess You Have To Be British To Know What The Hell They're Talking About Here" Files, Reuters tells us that:
* Apparently impressing the hell out of everyone with her internationally-seen "get yer' hands off my shoulders, buster" Shrug Of Death administered to our own Decider-in-Chief, German Chancellor Angela Merkel is "the World's Most Powerful Woman," according to Forbes Magazine.

Big balls, a bigger wallet, and an ego the size of Russia: not just for men anymore.
* According to AFP, the Freakazoids who brought you the unintentionally hilarious "literary" series, Left Behind, will now release a series of Left Behind Video Games.
Oh joy.
"Left Behind: Eternal Forces," set during the Rapture, will pit "'good' Tribulation Forces against 'evil' Global Community Peacekeepers led by the anti-Christ."
And just in case you're wondering if this is a real news story, let me say that I wish I was good enough to come up with that one. As reported by Troy Lynden & Dereck Wong of Left Behind Games:
The key to the game is recruiting and sustaining people and winning inevitable, albeit bloodless, battles, between good and evil . . . "'Eternal Forces' has no blood, no gore, no call to jihad and no gratuitous sex or violence of any kind" . . . For the Tribulation Force, prayer is a key strategy to build points. Another way is finding hidden scrolls bearing scripture verses left behind by loved ones already whisked into the afterlife . . . the Antichrist forces get strength by swearing and wicked deeds . . . Players conduct "physical and spiritual warfare" and can trigger "spectacular angelic or demonic activity" with their choices.Behold, if you will, a scene from one of those gratuitous violence-free, "bloodless" battles:

No need to await the rapture. Seems to me, we're doomed already.
* And wrapping up, from the "I Guess You Have To Be British To Know What The Hell They're Talking About Here" Files, Reuters tells us that:
Hedgehogs have finally humbled burger giant McDonald's after years of campaigning, forcing the company to redesign its killer McFlurry ice-cream containers. [Starting] September 1, the wide-mouthed opening in the lid of the McFlurry containers will be reduced in size, making them too small for the sugar-loving animals to get their heads into . . . Up to now the opening in the container has been large enough for hedgehogs to get their heads into for a lick of the left-over dessert -- a trap they have then been unable to withdraw from, so dying of starvation in untold numbers.
Uhhhh, ok. But you know what? If it means McDonald's get screwed a little, who am I to complain. Especially if it pleases the UK's hedgehog population.
Insert Ron Jeremy joke here: ____________.
In the game, you can also join forces with the Anti-Christ and mow down Christians.
It's a game that's fun for Christians of all ages.
wait a second, wait a second!
Didn't this Wong guy say, "no calls to Jihad?"
Surely you've got it wrong there, Weas. And what's with this "mow down" you speak of? The game has NO VIOLENCE, didn't you read that?
Christians, like their fellow monotheists the Muslims are non-violent.
Only my peeps, with our super-vengeful OT god are violent.
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