Tom at If I Ran The Zoo explains.
No silly captions today, folks. Just a few images of Spring . . . which is but 2 days away.
1. "---_0088," uploaded by "Shay Mozes" on May 23, 2006:
No caption required.
2. "0088-amsterdam_canal3," uploaded by "aisipos" on January 28, 2006:
I've visited in late Winter, and also in late Summer. But man, would I love to check out Amsterdam in the swing of Spring. Words fail.
3. "IMG_0088," uploaded by "Minneapolis Red Sox" on March 18, 2007:
Baseball's best pitcher mid-delivery, reminding us that opening day approaches. Not sure who was digging in against him, but whatever was on its way plateward couldn't have been terribly hit-able.
There are other images of Spring I had in mind, but I'm limited to "0088." Sorry.
No silly captions today, folks. Just a few images of Spring . . . which is but 2 days away.
1. "---_0088," uploaded by "Shay Mozes" on May 23, 2006:

2. "0088-amsterdam_canal3," uploaded by "aisipos" on January 28, 2006:

3. "IMG_0088," uploaded by "Minneapolis Red Sox" on March 18, 2007:

There are other images of Spring I had in mind, but I'm limited to "0088." Sorry.
The taxi service corruption scandal of 2003 in Amsterdam turned more than a few heads. They called it "gondola payola". Bree hee hee. Groans, I know...
There are gondolas in Amsterdam?
Mort, I need to know which coffeeshop you were at.
Ah, Johan--can't wait until he's a Met in 2009!
I want him sooner. Up for a roadtrip to Minnesota? With a sack and a car with a big trunk?
I assume that is a picture of a canal in Amsterdam, and not Venice. Anyway [link]
Coffee shop? Whaa?? We brew our own around these parts.
a picture of a canal in Amsterdam, and not Venice
That is, indeed, a gondola in Amsterdam. With a female gondolier. How can I complain.
Oh, and keep on brewin'.
I'll finally get to see Amsterdam this summer -- not in the spring -- but I'm looking forward to it anyway. And if it's to help the Mets, count me in on that road trip!
How's about we kidnap Santana, and then we bring him with us to Amsterdam?
Shouldn't be too hard to swing by Shea on the way back. Not too far from JFK.
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