Here with a short entry out of the "I Actually Wish I Was Making This Up, But I'm Not" Files.
Reuters' Health & Science Correspondent reports that:
"More and more obese [American] people are unable to get full medical care because they are either too big to fit into scanners, or their fat is too dense for X-rays or sound waves to penetrate."
Sometimes, my utter revulsion at the subject
and the substance of a story just makes me wish it would go away. Well, this is one of those. I'm nauseous just thinking about it. And for that reason, I can't talk about this anymore, but check out
the article if you dare.
Remember how the ferris wheel had a sign that said "If you are shorter than this line, you can't ride"? Looks like they're going to have to put one of those on the CAT scanners.
Looks like Reuters is a bit slow. I read about this problem last year.
Being a vertically challenged lad growing, those damn lines were the bane of my existence. The Dragoncoaster at Playland remained but a fantasy for many moons.
And, no, I'm still not over it.
I think they filed it a year ago, but it got stuck behind all the excess fat in cyberspace.
Reminds me of the joke where the vet overcharged his customers for the cat scans and the lab work.
On Scrubs they sent a patient to the CAT scan at the zoo.
Must be all those damn tubes Senator Stevens was talking about slowing down the Internet.
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