Now for those of you not in the know, Bryant Park is a lovely urban oasis, right smack in the center of midtown Manhattan between the Public Library, 6th Avenue, 42nd St & 40th St. In addition to chess tables, a small "reading area," a few concession stands, and even a small carousel, the main attractions are the quiet, a lush green lawn, shady trees along the walkways, and some unalloyed views of the Manhattan skyline over those tree tops. Plus, as any man who's worked in Manhattan can assure you, the rest of the scenery ain't too shabby either.
So Mike, you ask, what's the deal? Why you telling us this? It's not enough that you can dine in this verdant meditation zone, you have to rub it in too?
Well, you see, it wasn't quiet today, it wasn't peaceful, it wasn't pretty. It was . . .
. . .the location for the Pokemon Video-Game Championships. Or some other similarly-titled crime against my little patch of nature & humanity.
And, you know, it wasn't the children that bothered me. I mean, there were more tykes than usual, kicking up dust, chasing pigeons towards my grilled street meat on a pita (no yogurt sauce please, thank you very much). But it's summer. Kids are cool in summer. They make me smile.
And it wasn't the parents of those children either, though they usually annoy me far more than their kiddies. Neither was it the balloons, the cramped space, nor the befouling of the feng shui.
No. It was the screeching, scratchy, loud & grating voice of the MC, saying words like "Pokemon," "Video Game Champ," "Free Trip To Tokyo" and "Let's All Give A Round Of Applause To . . ." over-and-over again, at ear-splitting volume.
I ate, I bitched, I left.
* * *
So when folks I know ask -- in bewilderment -- how it came to pass that I, Manhattan Mike, opted to leave that 23 square mile block of granite that I called home for 14 years, how it came to pass that I want to move further yet away from its environs, I'll direct them to PokemonFest '06. When I was a younger man, Bryant Park may have been a shithole, infested with drug dealers, pimps, and other assorted miscreants. But no screeching MC's talking about video games.
My taxes (and in NYC, they're steep) pay for the upkeep & monitoring of Bryant Park. I wonder whether Pokemon paid for today's activities, or is it a "gift" from the new New York to one of its corporate friends.
NYC. Safe for tourists, safe for business, safe for the children. And too expensive and too Disney-fied for the folks who've loved it since time immemorial.
Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to tend to my indigestion. I should've eaten at my desk.
Go catch a summer movie in Bryant Park, and let the anger fade away.
Movies are only on Monday nights. And tonight's Tuesday.
And the anger's gone, but ain't that some shit? Seriously. Pokemon???
Tum tum tum tum TUMS!
Could have been worse, it could have been...
well, actually, it may not have been able to be worse.
Wish I was a little closer to BP, I'm up on 47th and 6th. No parks bear me, just a plaza next to my building. The wife likes the locale, it being in the diamond district and all. I gotta get a new job quick.
Ed, Ed, Ed. 47th & 6th is too far??? LOL.
I'm at 46th & 5th, and there's no way those 4 blocks are keeping me away.
Dude, Hulk Hogan was there! Stop your whinin'!
Sorry, man. If it was Jimmy Snuka, or Ivan Putski, now we're talking.
But The Hulkster? You've gotta be kidding me. I'd rather watch kids play Pokemon vid games.
I was there yesterday, eating in Bryant Park Cafe.
It was lovely. Great weather and a bunch of smiling, happy kids running around cheering.
Thoroughly enjoyable day in the warm summer sun. Even Pikachu was smiling.
Yeah, even I've been to Bryant Park since it was cleaned up. Nice place.
just an fyi - bryant park does not receive any city funding. it's privately managed through a non-profit. nyc residents and visitors enjoy the park without any tax contribution.
bryant park does not receive any city funding. it's privately managed through a non-profit. nyc residents and visitors enjoy the park without any tax contribution.
I am chastened. I'm a grumpy curmedgeon. I'm a bad man. I don't know what the hell I'm talking about.
I'm the man who killed your child's Pokemon (or whatever their freakin names are).
I still think the MC had a horrible voice, and I wihs I didn't have to listen.
Ed is too lazy to walk 6 blocks :)
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