Thursday, September 07, 2006


From the "Distractions From What Really Matters: Not Just For Americans Anymore" Files, we learn from BBC News that the US's number one ally in the so-called "War Against Terror" will waste valuable time & resources in 2007 to conduct an inquest into the death of Princess Diana.

Hmmm. I have the answer already: her car smashed into a concrete pylon at excessive speed. She died. Ten years ago. Ok, next question.

I'm not British, so I'll acknowledge I have no dog in this fight, but I'm not sure what's more ridiculous: A country that has a freaking Queen, with a son who's a Prince, who's dead wife was known as "The People's Princess." Or . . . the sorry spectacle of that very same country, currently embroiled in a resource-wasting, diplomatically disastrous "War" against whatever it is we're all fighting against, conducting a very public, state-sponsored investigation into the death of that "People's Princess," when everyone on earth -- even the enemies in that so-called "War" -- know exactly how & why she died.

(Of course, my laughs at the UK's Monarchs & Aristocrats are slightly tempered by the realization of who sits in the Oval Office, what his last name is, and pondering his qualifications for office. Back to the story, shall we?)

And if you need more more cheap snickers, I'm here to supply you with them: Dame Elizabeth Butler-Sloss has been appointed "Deputy Coroner of the Queen's Household and Assistant Coroner for Surrey."

Yes, I'll confirm what you may be asking. My calendar says "2006" too.

The War on Terror, and a stupid citizenry? Am I the only one seeing a relationship here?


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