Wednesday, July 12, 2006


Fresh from the "Will Germany Celebrate Hitler's Birthday In 800 Years When It Become An Insignificant Third World Backwater" Files, A.P. reports on Mongolia's huge, state-sponsored observation of the 800 Year Anniversary of Ghengis Khan's blood-soaked conquest of much of Asia and parts of Europe.

Mongolian President Nambaryn Enkhbayar actually said that "We Mongolians must be united and have one goal: to develop our country. Remember Genghis Khan and his great deeds," while Tserendulam, a recently retired cook, actually added that, "I feel so proud to have been born in the land of the Great Khan who conquered most of the world."

In addition to these stupendously bizarre statements, the A.P. piece actually reports that "images of Genghis Khan, often as a wizened elder, have been plastered on billboards, etched in white stones on a mountainside and used to promote tourism. A rock opera of the conqueror's life — modeled on 'Jesus Christ Superstar' — is being staged by a popular band."

Finally, a new government slogan actually declares: "We are forefathers of globalization."

Not that I had plans any to travel to Ulan Bator, to check out whether they really ate "Mongolian Grill," but I think I'm gonna cross this former Communist shithole off my vacation short list.

But, just to show I'm not picking on native Mongolians only, for still reveling in atrocities committed almost a millenium ago, let me note that Munkh-Orgil, in possession of a Harvard Law School degree, actually said, "Our ancestor 800 years ago not only brought war and destruction, but he also brought liberation and freedom. As to the methods, it was the 13th century. What could we say?"

Uhhh, maybe that it was barbarism? Or that Khan's hatred of civilization, plus his destruction of all that stood in his path, may have contributed to Mongolia's 750+ year history of isolation and underdevelopement?

Just a suggestion.


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