"IMG_3847," uploaded by "innuendo" on February 5, 2007:

Next: Proving that he, too, was made in China.
Labels: Hey It's A Red Fish
Stuff I Wanna Write About.
Labels: Hey It's A Red Fish
Labels: Bring 'Em Home, Send Him Home
Labels: Garbage And Rotton Tomato Throwing Are Not Only Accepted But Encouraged
Labels: I Know This Post's Title Is Awful, Seuss' Ghost Is Coming To Kick My Ass
Labels: I Was Going To Say Hyperspace Instead Of Light Speed But I Figured All The Sci-Fi Geeks Would Attack me If It's The Wrong Term, Is It?
Labels: Balanced Lineup, Endy Chavez, Old Man Franco
Fat Workers Cost Employers MoreAnd how do we know this? Because "obesity experts" say so. Uhhh, ok.
"Smoking during work hours is just as unhealthy as smoking at happy hour"And someone is spending millions, if not billions, to fund these "studies." Because those obesity experts, they don't come cheap.
"Children who do homework while eating chocolate are more likely to smudge the paper, resulting in lower grades"
"Old people die more often than young people. And if they're fat or they smoke, they're probably dead already"
Labels: Do Obesity Experts Eat A Lot Or Just Study Those Who Do?, Where Can I Sign Up To be Sex Expert In One Of These "Studies"?
Labels: Even Worse She Seems To be Doing It In Front Of her Father, Yeah That's Creepy
Labels: I'll Be In Attendance When Sharon Makes That Imprint, You'd Watch Too
Venezuela Launches Zeppelin To Tackle Rampant CrimeHmmm. Go ahead, read the article if you want. And if this headline makes any more sense to you after doing so, let me know.
Labels: Chaved Zeppelin, Emphasize The Ed Syllable And You'll Get It, Or Maybe You Won't
Since when are you a fuckin' diplomat?And my personal favorite Ajax quotation:
Well, good! I'm sick of runnin' from these wimps!
Not if they're wimps!... and I'm sick of this running crap.
Maybe you're all just goin' faggot.
He's right! We're acting like faggots!
Come on, what kind of chickenshit crap is this.
I'll shove that bat up your ass and turn you into a popsicle.
Ah, fuck him!
Fuckin' A.
Those lousy skin-headed Fucks!Damn straight. Moving along, we come to nominal gang-leader, Swan (not my idea of an ideal gang name. Ajax, at least, is a Greek warrior in addition to being a cleanser). Swan was played by Michael Beck, about whom I have nothing to add, except that he also appeared in a movie that FSMOMYOFD regular reader & commenter, John, has requested: Xanadu. Simply stated, Xanadu will not be making an appearence here, as none of The Committee has seen it.
Labels: I'm A Bum, Sorry, You'll Make It Through Your Weekend Anyway
Labels: And That's All I'm Gonna Say On This, Thanks For Indulging Me
Labels: Mets, Rangers, Reyes, Reyes Again, The Killer Zambie, Trackmarks
Labels: This Year I Start Charging Admission, Visa and Mastercard Accepted
Labels: Senseless Waste of Life, Terrible People
Labels: Guitar Hero, Purple Hat, Stand Right Next To A Mountain
Labels: Back In First, Let's See Some Homers
Labels: I'm Only Asking A 45% Commission
Walter: No. You are not the fucking Dude. The fucking Dude is the Dude.I think it could've happened. Anyway, back to the cast. Tony Ganios, who played "Meat," had his first role in The Wanderers, the other NYC gang movie of 1979, the one that was not a FSMOMYOTD back in November, even though it starred a few of the actors who appeared in the better, far more important NYC gang movie of 1979.
Cyril O'Reilly (as "Tim" from Porky's): What are you gonna do about it, KITE. I wonder if there's any KITES around here we can fly?
Donny: It's kite? I thought it was--
Walter: Shut the fuck up, Donny. [Back to Cyril] It's not kite, it's fucking KIKE! K-I-K-E, "kike." You know, you're too fucking stupid to even be a good bigot. Three thousand years of beautiful tradition, from Moses to Sandy Koufax . . .
Labels: Forgive Me For That Last Joke, Forgive Me For This Journey To The Sticky Days Of Adolescence, Shower, Tallywhacker, Wool
Labels: Any Goofy Label Will Come Out Sounding Inappropriate, So None For This Post
Even though Couric "had no comment of her own" on the episode, and despite the fact that she "did not compose the [first person POV] piece herself and was unaware that much of it was plagiarized," she was nonetheless "stunned, and very upset."I'm sure she's deeply traumatized. Perhaps a press conference? A stint in rehab for the folks at The Journal who outed her? An apology?
Labels: The Fourth Estate Is For Sale
Labels: Free Snoop, This Is Bullshizzle
It is the right road. It is necessary and just. Democrats, who deny our soldiers the means to prevent an American defeat, have chosen another road. It may appear to be the easier course of action but it is a much more reckless one . . . . Our defeat in Iraq would constitute a defeat in the war against terror and extremism, and would make the world a much more dangerous place.From there, MaveriCain had nowhere to go but straight to the standard invocation of his own military service:
I know the pain war causes. I understand the frustration caused by our mistakes in this war. I also know the toll a lost war takes on an army and a country.So let me see if I get this straight: Because John "The Maverick" McCain suffered in the Vietnam War, partly because of the failed policies of the government, he can now support the government's failed policies in the latest war. Do I have that right?
I would rather lose a campaign than a war.Guess what, John? Your wish is a good as your command!
Labels: Outrageous Posturing, Shameless Bullshitting, Unforgivable Politicking
Labels: Democracy At Work, I Know I'm Talking Out Of My Ass, So What?, What Kind Of Name Is Mitt Anyway?
"I've no idea how I ended up with her number in my head -- it's only a few digits different from mine."Uhhh, maybe I have an idea, David. Meanwhile, after genius boy texted a message to himself, swiftus number two, Brit Bird Michelle Kitson, decided that even though "it was really weird," she was nevertheless "absolutely hooked."
Labels: Is This News, Reaching For Post Ideas
[Our comeback] reminded me a lot of last year, the way we battled and never gave up.Battled. Never gave up. Not quite five cliches-in-five sentences level, but it's early. At this rate, he'll be invited back for the NL Sports-Cliche Derby. And I see the first homer coming soon.
Labels: At 1-6 The Phils Are The Team To Beat In The East, Givin' Willie A Rare Break, Schoeneweis The Door
Labels: Bow Before My CD Collection, Do I Have To Actually Upload All That Freakin' Music?
Labels: Nice Glasses
Labels: 31-3, Leather and Porn Staches, Polygamy, The Beltranator
Labels: Black Men Named Bubba, Exploitation, Hollywood Sucks, Lesbians, Vampires